Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hackers and Founders - The Seeds of Marketing's Future

Where is marketing heading and how is technology influencing it? As marketers we should all be constantly asking that question, let alone trying to keep up with it. However, I think I have found one community of young thinkers, marketing movers and financial shakers in the emerging technology space here in Indianapolis where the next great idea in the ongoing convergence of technology and marketing may come from.

The organization is called Hackers and Founders: http://www.meetup.com/Hackers-and-Founders-Indianapolis/. For those unaware, Hackers and Founders is a grass roots driven community of predominantly young, talented and entrepreneur-minded  technology professionals who, through their knowledge, energy and passion are developing new solutions to business challenges, very often marketing related. Hackers in the group refer to those that work in these start ups and Founders refer to those that start these emerging companies, but in reality also work in the trenches to bring their ideas to life. The community also attracts angel and venture capital investors looking for the next commercially viable big idea.

I attended my first Hackers and Founders event recently in Indianapolis.  And by no means is this a one city phenomenon. Chapters also exist in Boston, New York and San Fran. Based on the premise for the organization's existence, the dynamics created by the merging of all that talent and the potential outcomes, I have little doubt more chapters will soon spring up in other cities.

The event started with the opportunity to socialize and network. After which, half an hour is dedicated to having two or three Hackers/Founders presenting to the entire gathering a technology solution they have developed to address a challenge. The night I was there one presentation was a software analytics/email solution for online retailers. The other two presentations addressed social marketing. The end goal for the presenters - create feedback, attract additional IT talent to take their concept further and of course, potentially secure financial backing to take their idea to commercial success.

The energy of these young and very talented individuals and their unfettered enthusiasm and passion for what they are doing is infectious. And for anybody who wants to see where technology and marketing is heading, and possibly witness the emergence of the next killer app or software platform that will shake the business/marketing world, I encourage you to get involved - as a perpetual student of learning and supporter of innovative and out-of-the-box thinking. And if you don't have a similar organization in your market, become a "founder" of one. You'll learn something and feel younger for it.

Juri Tults

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